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Soul Flight Activation

It is time to take flight on the breath of the wind and become your own sail


Wednesday, July 5th
12pm PST

Attune to your own vibrational frequency of long forgotten flight with Butterfly Magic

Butterfly Magic Activation is a channeled healing that helps you to remember how to access your inner power and use it to transform. By connecting to sleeping codes of flight and the frequencies of butterfly magic, you can learn how to harness the wind that blows you to and fro and use it to rise up and ascend. This powerful transformation journey will help you to reconnect to your truth and step forward into the next phase of your life, your own flower kingdom. 




In this 60 min. channeled activation we will journey to meet with beloved Butterfly, The Earth Mother and the flower kingdom of your oversoul to:



  •      Clear limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in the old patterns​

  •      Attune to your personal higher frequencies of light and flight         

  •      Take you into the deep wells of flower nectar available for you to be             fully resourced

  •      Activate dormant codes to step forward into your magic and unfurl your        wings to fly​




When you say Yes to Butterfly, you say Yes to you.




Communing with our nature kin, our oldest ancestors, enables us to ground ourselves and stabilize our energy. Attuning to flower Spirits and Fauna Kin is easy. However, to journey inward to ones inner garden to allow for the high vibrational energetic medicine of Flora & Fauna Spirits to walk us through an inner healing. This is the work best done together with other sisters and a Flore Spirit Guide. 


Welcome dear awakening divine feminine souls,  We are gathering together for this potent healing event to guide you into the deep wells of re-sourced nectar of your own flower kingdom of magic. 


Butterfly has a message for those of us who are ready for the evolution of ascension of flight within ourselves. As we weave together our hearts and receive this message, butterfly will awaken codes that have been sleeping since ancient times, passed down in the water of our blood, calling us forth into the remembrance of our true lineage of power and magic.


Butterflies are highly skilled transformation specialists who fly between the realms through the thinning veil. They are aligned to the undoing of oneself and becoming of magic itself, and act as dreamweavers to help you tap into your own inner super power and the magic of soul flight. Working with you to become who you have dreamt of being during your time whilst in your cocoon. Butterflies help you take that step and allow Spirit to carry your soul into flight.


Join me, Melanie Dawn, Flore Medicine Woman and Intuitive channel to gather together and receive Butterfly Magic and healing in a special activation. The magic is waiting for you.



When Melanie started channeling light language during our session, it was the first time that I had ever heard light language that I could "feel" and that I could actually "understand" even before she translated it into English. I actually felt that it was her soul talking to my soul, in an ancient language that did not require translation. She helped me reconnect to a very old part of me and remember what my true mission is in this lifetime. And she was so gentle, so clear, and yet ever so powerful. I came out of the session feeling deeply moved and incredibly empowered to continue taking steps along on my soul's chosen path for this lifetime - Claudia Reynaud

Melanie Dawn,

- Flore Medicine Woman, Intuitive Channel

Melanie walks women back to their soul’s aligned magic through the portals of scent and the wisdom of the earth's flora and fauna. She connects the awakening divine feminine soul with their own inner garden of re-sourced enchantment.  As an Intuitive Channel, Melanie has helped women connect to their souls true calling, find their magical path of evolution and support them in energetic healing.


Melanie is a magical alchemist who not only works with earth elementals, but also creates beautiful healing aromatics to activate the healing process. Her slow flower perfumes and Water Spirit fragrances are grown, collected and processed thoughtfully and meticulously over several months to create a finished archetypal scent signature, worthy of the deep journey work she facilitates. Her heart and passion for mama gaia and the magic of plants is evident while engaging with these plant potions. 


Melanie enjoys the simple pleasures of life in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia where she lives and grows in her  Enchanted Forest Gardens of SIlver Sage Flora, overlooking The Valhalla Mountain range. 


Learn more about Melanie’s upcoming sister circles, retreats and one on one sessions by joining her list at

Silver Sage Flora

Registration Form
Butterfly Magic Activation

Wednesday July 5th
12pm PST


*You will receive your zoom link to this activation in your receipt that is emailed to you after payment is received. 

Don't forget to add the reminder to your calendar.

A recording of this activation will be sent out to you if you are unable to attend live. 

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